Tuesday, October 20, 2009

National Day on Writing

Roxy Writer here, surfing the waves of writing from the Stone Writing Center at Del Mar College!

I am stoked to announce that today, Tuesday, October 20, is National Day on Writing! To celebrate this rad event, we asked our students to tell us why they write. We gave them a card to fill out and then placed it on our bulletin board.

We discovered that students write because they want to find out what they are thinking, to bring their thoughts to life, to tell their story, and to express their inner thoughts and feelings.

So, let me ask you: why do you write? It’s a thought provoking question, isn’t it?

As a student, most of your writing is probably based on assignments given by professors. Is this the only time you write? If it is, perhaps on this day—the National Day on Writing—you might consider writing just for the sake of writing. If you have never experienced the thrill of capturing your thoughts on a topic—not because it was assigned to you by a teacher, but simply because you wanted to—then maybe today would be a good day to go for it!

See you next time the breeze is cool, the sun is up, and the waves roll into view! My next entry is coming soon. ‘Til then, hang ten!

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