Friday, September 24, 2021

Have we met? Hello from the SWC!

Hey, Roxy Readers! Rylie is here to welcome you to the Stone Writing Center!

I am so grateful to be back with you! Our world has been through some challenges these past 18 months, but the Stone Writing Center is still here to help you with all things writing. Perhaps you’re a new reader and not familiar with us, so please let me introduce you to the SWC!

The Stone Writing Center has been around since 1976, and the tutors here, all of whom have at least a bachelor’s degree (and some even have a master’s degree!), are all very friendly and excited to help you with every part of the writing process. Although we each enjoy a different stage of writing, we’re all happy to help you, whether you’re just getting started, working on revisions, or putting together your citations!

If you’re a student at Del Mar College, access to the Stone Writing Center is included in your tuition. You can submit to us online by going to and selecting “Online Tutoring” and then enrolling using your Del Mar Canvas username and login information. From there, you will take what looks like a quiz. In reality, it’s just a form that gives us a better understanding of what you need help with specifically. And don’t worry—the “quiz” is not for a grade! We also like working on all kinds of papers, whether it’s a literary analysis for an English class, a discussion over your favorite hobby for your speech class, or anything in between! We can even offer some feedback on resumes!

I know that submitting writing online can be a bit intimidating, and it might feel like your submission should be as close to perfect as possible by the time you submit it to us, but that’s not the case! I’ve had students submit outlines and introductions only, asking if they were on the right track as far as meeting assignment instructions went. The writing process can be challenging, and we never want you to feel alone! If you hit a wall and want some feedback, but you aren’t yet finished writing, submit it to us anyway! We might be able to offer some helpful advice that will get you back on track.

What’s the best thing about online help, you ask? Well, it’s got to be that we’re available 24/7! Some people submit writing at 9AM on a Tuesday morning, and some people submit writing at 2AM on a Saturday morning. Just like our students have varying sleep schedules, so do we! I tend to be a night owl when I’m allowed to follow my body clock, so I’ve assessed some students as late (or early) as 4AM!

Finally, I know that not every student is used to everything being done online. There have certainly been a few times I’ve run into a wall when it comes to technology. It can be hard and frustrating to navigate online and on screen. If you have questions about accessing our online services or understanding feedback a tutor gave you, it might be worthwhile to give us a call! We’re happy to help you however we can!

Stay tuned to learn more about each of our individual tutors! They look forward to introducing themselves to you!

Write on, Roxy Readers!


See you next time the sun is up, the breeze is cool, and the waves roll into view. ‘Til then, hang ten!

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