Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hello Fall! Let's Get Organized!

Welcome back, Vikings! Summer break was a blast, and I’m happy to start a new semester. It can be both exciting and overwhelming, so let’s take time to set ourselves up to be successful. Here are some tips for getting organized. Not only will they apply to writing assignments, but these tips will work for any class!

1.   Read the syllabus. I repeat, READ. THE. SYLLABUS. It’s full of information to help you navigate the entire semester. You’ll find:
  • A reading schedule
  • Due dates
  • Assignment requirements
  • Class expectations
  • Contact info for the instructor
  • And much more!
Taking a close look at the whole syllabus can really help you plan your semester. You’ll see when writing assignments are due and what the requirements are! You can make special note of when your professors have office hours and how best to contact them. Some professors prefer phone, some email, and some only use Canvas. It’s important to know early on how your professors prefer to communicate.

2.   Have a system. Do you have a system for organizing notes, papers, and handouts? You need to find what works for you and stick with it. You’ll be thankful when you’re trying to find your notes from a month ago and you know exactly where they are. 

3.   Plan ahead. Planning ahead for your writing helps you decide when you can come visit us at the Stone Writing Center! (See how I stuck that in there?) It’s important to stay organized so you know when an assignment is coming up. Remember that you can come to us at any point in your writing process, either online or in person! We can help with brainstorming, outlining, revising, and everything in between.

4.   Use a planner. You can use a physical planner or an app; whatever works best for you. But you need something to write down all those important assignment due dates and deadlines. A planner will help you stay on top of assignments, tests, and papers.

5.   Find a balance. I know a lot of you aren’t just students; you’re also parents, workers, etc. This means that your life is a bit more complicated, but staying organized isn’t impossible. Be sure you make room for other things in your life, too. It’s hard to find that balance, but it can be done; staying organized is an amazing first step to doing that!

With these tips and help from us at the Stone Writing Center, your semester will be off to a great start! Good luck, Vikings! We’re here for you!

See you the next time the sun is up, the breeze is cool, and the waves roll into view. 'Til then, hang ten!

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