Thursday, April 26, 2012

Overcoming Sensory Deprivation

When taking a stroll on the beach, I always relax and absorb the details around me. I hear the soft rustling of the wind, feel the grains of white sand scrape against my feet, and inhale the fresh scent of the ocean. I don’t simply go to the beach. Instead, I become one with my environment. I understand the beach, and become aware of everything going on during my time there.

Writing a narrative essay works in much the same way. A narrative presents a snapshot in time, where it illustrates a place or sequence of events. Think of this as telling an autobiographical story set during a certain place and time during your life. However, a narrative must do more than simply tell what happened; it must also bring that setting to life for your readers.

A good narrative enriches the senses, and allows the reader to visualize what the setting is like. To do this, the writer uses words that invoke the five senses. While we can never taste the salty sea air or feel the blazing heat of a tropical sun if we’ve never experienced them, we can imagine what it’s like to be there. Sensory detail allows the reader to imagine what it was like to share that experience and immerse the reader into the narrative. The writer must open the door to the reader’s imagination.

Before you sit down to write the essay, relive the experience in your own memory. Try to recall, as much as you can, what the experience was like. Think in terms of each of the five senses, and try to remember details that appeal to the senses. Visual details are useful, but try to imagine any memorable smells or flavors or sounds as well. If it helps, make notes about what details you’d like to use. If you have references, such as photos or video recordings, make use of those as needed.

When actually writing the essay, you want to translate your mental picture of the event into written form. One way to do this is by using vivid descriptive words, such as adjectives and adverbs, to create detail. It’s not enough to say that the wave reached the shore. The wave might be a sickly green, or a serene blue, depending on the circumstances. By using strong details, the picture becomes more distinct in the reader’s mind.

Another way to create a vivid mental image is to use strong active verbs. Avoid using “to be” verbs if possible, since those tend to weaken the narrative. Use verbs that show action and movement. For instance, “the wind buffeted the tumbleweed across the desolate plain. The furious waves crashed against the forlorn rocks.” A good action verb can bring a scene to life and create a dramatic moment, instead of a still, lifeless picture.

When writing a narrative essay, remember to tell your story with vivid detail. Through careful and precise word choice, the narrative should come to life and engage the reader.

See you next time the breeze is cool, the sun is up, and the waves roll into view! ‘Til then, hang ten!


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